When Hanson first approached TOMS in early 2007, we knew we had something big on the horizon. Hanson has created incredible music for the past decade, never shy to be innovative or independent. What was even more intriguing was that these three young men were also concerned about some serious issues. Throughout the years, they have developed a dedicated following, and now use this outlet to educate people about the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa.
Last year the band began hosting one mile barefoot walks across the US and Canada to bring awareness to poverty and HIV/AIDS in Africa. After taking part in those symbolic walks, tons of Hanson fans joined the TOMS movement by purchasing TOMS Shoes, and some have thrown Style Your Sole parties- all to help us provide thousands of shoes to children in need. The guys even joined us on our Shoe Drop in South Africa in November 2007 to deliver 50,000 pairs of shoes!

This fall you can support Hanson's continued efforts by checking out the Great Divide shoe, inspired by Hanson's song of the same title. You can also take part in Hanson's Take The Walk campaign, which supports the TOMS One for One mission and provides other tangible tools to fight poverty and AIDS. For every walker who registers, Take The Walk gives one dollar to Friends of TOMS or one of four other key causes. Check out TakeTheWalk.net to learn more, purchase the Great Divide shoes (Hanson is even throwing in a special recording of "The Great Divide" with every purchase!), learn how you can join Hanson for a walk (or organize a walk of your own), or see their new book Take The Walk where you can view some beautiful photos of their trip with us to South Africa.
We're forever grateful to Hanson and their fans for supporting TOMS and our One for One movement!
Hi, Blake -
You are doing great work. I read about you in the Santa Barbara News-Press in August 2008. At the time I was starting to work with Kaila Pedersen, a young social entrepreneur, who is determined to provide shoes for kids in post-war Liberia. Since August Kaila has put together an inter-generational group to work on her project.
The best person to tell you about this is Kaila . . .so, I will have her write in a moment. We need you to give us the benefit of your experience and advice.
Valerie Feit, Ed.D.
K-12 Enrichment Coordinator
Rye Neck High School
Mamaroneck, New York 10543
Hi Blake,
First, I would like to tell you that your work is amazing. As Dr. Feit said above me, I am an 11th grade student starting a large-scale community-based project to collect 30,000 pairs of sneakers to send to children in post-war Liberia. The project, which we have named Kids with Sole (inspired by you), is a chapter of Youth Action International (see their website at www.youthactioninternational.org/yai). As we get started, we have lots of questions, and we would like to be in touch with you for advice. I would love to run our plans by you and get some feedback.
My email address is kaila@optonline.net. Thank you in advance, and I'm looking foward to hearing from you.
Kaila Pedersen
Hey Blake,
I have been following your blog and mission for quite some time and wanted to share with you my own reason for participating in the Toms mission: http://simplemomentsofbeauty.blogspot.com/
It's my newest post titled One for One and it's my way of supporting your cause and helping spread the word about Tom's. I know its a small effort but it's a start.
Good look on the 30k in 30days challenge. I'll be spreading the word and sporting my new shoes for all to see!
-Ashley Wright
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