Today I'm headed back to Texas. It won't be for a relaxing weekend at home with my parents, or to catch up with old friends. This weekend will be fast-paced and exciting: I'm speaking at CGI U in Austin. TOMS is a proud member of the Clinton Global Initiative and pledged to give 100,000 pairs of shoes to Haiti at this past fall's CGI conference in NYC. CGI U began in 2007 as a means for students, national youth organizations, and university officials to discuss solutions to pressing global issues. Friday I'll be on a panel with good friend President Bill Clinton, President of Dell Global Public, Paul Bell, Graduate Student in Biomedical Engineering, Mambidzeni Madzivire, and actress Natalie Portman discussing how students and campuses can take action in making a difference. The weekend then continues with amazing discussions and presentations about developing sustainable food systems, how to be innovative and resourceful in difficult economic times, working sessions on global health, energy and climate change, education, and more. The individuals who will be presenting are incredibly intelligent people who really care about guiding our youth, and I'm looking forward to being a part of this year's conference. After this weekend, its back to LA to the TOMS HQ.

President Clinton and I in 2008
Hey Blake,
Saw you at the CGI and you actually re-inspired some interest and thoughts in me. Thanks a lot for coming.
UT Austin Student
Hi Blake,
I was so fortunate to be at the CGI U panel when you spoke. I have to tell you that is was one of the most compelling things I've ever heard when you talked about the kids and young women in Ethiopia. I'm ashamed to say that it's the first that I've ever heard of Mossy Foot, however, I will tell everyone I know about it and try to help however I can. Please email me if you want as I have some ideas. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Hey Blake!! It's Tiffany Reeves (now Morgan) from Celebration! I googled how to spell your dad's last name for my pharmacy (he was wonderful to take care of a shoulder problem for me today at church) and this is the first thing that comes up!! Didn't know it was here - I'll keep up with it! Maybe we'll see you at church while you're in town!
P.S. the "Vote Republican" TOMS are my favorite...I'm still wearing them....
Can I interview you?
Paul Hemminger
Hey Mister,
I'm hoping you'd like to be part of project Gypsy Feet by sending us some pictures of places you've been along with the TOMS story/goals/experiences to feature on our page:
You can contact us at
Thanks :)
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